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How to Find the Best Hair Salon in Sydney for YOU ! With Industry Expert Tips

Written By Team Que 26 Feb 2021
The Best Hair Salon in Sydney

 How to Find the Best Hair Salon in Sydney for YOU!

With Industry Expert Tips


Finding "the one" can be tough.. and we're not just talking about that kind of relationship! 

If you have ever visited a hair salon you know that the bond you form with your hairstylist is beyond crucial!

However you also probably know that finding "the one" can end with multiple salon visits, opening yourself up to trusting essentially strangers, and often (who agrees here!) taking one or two bad haircuts/colour experiences for you to say NEVER AGAIN! 

At QUE Colour we are passionate about eliminating those bad experiences and only leaving you with good hair, always!

We were inspired to create a list of our TOP TIPS to make sure you can find the best hair salon in Sydney for YOU!  

This guide is designed to help you pick the best hair salon near you and you may even end up at Que Colour for your next hair appointment.


It is important to do your research. When you're looking, get specific! If you're a full head of foils gal search for "the best blonde hair specialist" or "best foil specialist salon near me" If your hair is naturally curly, search "best hair salon near me for curly hair” to get the best search result for you. Seeking out a specialist is a great way to ensure you will end up at a salon team who know what they're doing!

We all know word of mouth is great, but what works for your best friend doesn't mean it's going to be the one for you. Our hair is individually so different and the search should be taken seriously! So whilst it is good to get recommendations, google is your next best friend to find "the one".  

Remember here, some links in google are paid and may always reach the top but this does not always mean they are the best. Check out their reviews, google images (have they been updated recently?) the vibe of their website, and obviously Instagram

On the topic of Instagram, whilst it's certainly alluring to see photos of celebrities or models make sure there is a good representation of real clients done by the salon which is the best evidence of the work that the salon produces. It is for this reason all of Que Colour  Instagram images are shot in natural light at our salon with no tricks! 

One last no-fuss way to check the standard of work in each salon is to check their salon accreditation offered up by the Australian Hairdressing Council. Que Colour recently achieved Gold Status, a true reflection of the excellent services on offer, client satisfaction and journey! 


Ensure the salon offers a consultation service 

At Que Colour we make exclusive time for a complimentary consultation before your appointment as we believe it is the most important factor to a successful salon visit with all new clients! 

The consultation is YOUR TIME to communicate with your hairstylist and it is as much up to you as it is to us to determine a successful salon visit. We recommend booking your consultation first thing in the morning so the hairstylist can give you their full attention, and you can feel secure with going ahead and booking your appointment at the end of your consultation. 

When it comes to hair colour redirections, or big haircut changes we apply this same process even to our existing clients to ensure that we're creating results that align with your desires and expectations. 

Some important questions that should be talked about during a successful consultation: 

  1. What is your hair’s current colour, texture, and how do you wear your hair on a normal day?
  2. What is your end goal with colour/cut ?
  3. Will it take more than one session to achieve the look if it is a drastic transformation?
  4. What have they done with their hair in the past that they’ve really loved?
  5. What have they done with their hair in the past that they’ve really disliked?
  6. What products are recommended (if any) to keep the hair tone quality at home.
  7. Do you have a budget you're working with today? 

If your salon is asking these questions then you're sure to be in good hands. 


Look for transparency 

If you are visiting a hair colour specialist or hairstyle specialist salon then you may find you will see extra service costs in your quote that you haven't had before. This is not a bad thing as your hairdresser will charge in line with not only their expertise in the field, but how much time and how much colour your hair will need. 

The consultation should include a quote for your appointment to ensure there's no disappointment with the result, and no miscommunication as to your spend budget. If your stylist wants to start colouring without giving you a clear quote then that is definitely a "red flag".

If you've had bad experiences in the past and find you're always disappointed with the way your hair turns out it is worth paying more to see a hair colour specialist rather than to pay mid-low range prices for repeated bad work. 

Booking with a mid-priced junior or emerging hairstylist can be easier on your wallet but always make sure they are being guided by a senior hairstylist and that you don't push your expectations with that stylist. 

Even with costs varying, it's crucial to think about what your hair is worth to you and always spend where you need to. Look after your hair like you would your best silk dress and it will thank you! 


If it's silicone, it aint' it 


This is key! Look for salons that are stocking luxurious, professional haircare products with natural origin ingredients. Do your research and check out what is behind their basin, because whilst professional products generally use more gentle surfactants (cleansers), there are still brands to avoid which contain a large amount of silicones (look out for dimethicone) sulphates, parabens and other nasties! 

So what should you look for?

Don’t be fooled by good marketing, look at the ingredients list! A lot of products claim to have magic ingredients that make false promises, but often contain such a little amount that leave you unsatisfied. A good ingredients list will protect and nourish your hair, maintaining the correct PH level and selecting gentle cleaning agents that won’t strip your tresses of their natural oils.

As an example, our back basin and retail include Christophe Robin an indulgent, high-performance range of products free from silicones, sulphates, ammonia, peroxide, SLES and parabens that get the best out of all hair types. The brand draws on the precious powers of highly concentrated natural ingredients to deliver truly exceptional results whilst also being cruelty-free and vegan friendly! 



Go with your gut, a good vibe in the salon is just as strong as anything you will read on the internet! After your initial visit or consultation, even if you're not feeling it you can always try another. Remember it’s your crown you have to wear and you should feel 100% confident in the hairstylist you trust it with! 

Take our tips and make good hair choices every day!